Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Alumni Association

As an Alumni Association, we organize social events and keep you informed about job opportunities and developmental programs. The mission of the Alumni Association is to connect alumni to the University and each other, to provide valued services to members, and to support the Latin American Campusā€™s teaching and service mission.

Sometimes it only takes that one connection to change a life. The Alumni Relations department is the alumni resource for professional development, networking, and job-seeking. Have questions or feedback? Email for all Alumni needs and doubts.

Update your Information

Updating your information with the Alumni Association is now easier than ever. You can change your home address, work address, e-mail address, and other information online by completing our secure survey, which will help you connect with us and be informed about many professional opportunities. Or you may also contact our Department of Alumni Relations directly at

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News and Events

Date Activity
September 3rd UNICEF Workshop
October 1st Effects of the use of drugs in our life
October 7th LDP: Myself Matters: Taking care of my personal well-being
October 15th LDP: Therapeutic Horticulture - Civic Responsibility
October 24
October 31st Balance between Academic, professional and personal life
November 5th Managing Stress and Anxiety
November 14th MANDATORY: Graduate Exit Seminar
November 25th LDP: App development

Connect with a Counselor

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