Keiser University achieves #1 ranking in social mobility in the U.S News & World Report 2023. As a university, we prioritize our students' success and professional achievement.
Discover our intimate campus, where students come from all over the globe to thrive with world-class professors, in small classes, in a peaceful, scenic and historical setting.
Keiser University – Latin American Campus has a roster of qualified faculty with Ph.Ds. and Master degrees from prestigious universities in the U.S. and Europe who, in addition to being student-centered, have extensive teaching and professional experience.
Keiser University – Latin American Campus offers two Residence Halls on campus and is committed to providing students with a residential experience that enhances and extends the educational and mission of the University.

Keiser University achieves #1 ranking in social mobility in the U.S News & World Report 2023.

Discover our intimate campus, where students come from all over the globe.

Keiser University has a roster of qualified faculty with extensive teaching and professional experience.

Keiser University offers two Residence Halls on Campus.
Keiser University: Where Your Success Story Begins.
With Keiser University, you don’t just learn – you live your education! We’re your trusted ally, fully committed to igniting your professional potential while rooting for your academic achievements. At Keiser, it’s not just about the textbooks – it’s about immersive, hands-on experiences that propel you ahead.
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Los líderes empresariales deben de prepararse para enfrentar exitosamente los nuevos retos que presentan los acelerados avances tecnológicos, y los consecuentes cambios en el comportamiento de los consumidores. En primer lugar, los líderes deben de comprender lo que está sucediendo

Habiendo trabajado en una variedad de organizaciones e industrias, he llegado a valorar cuánto puede influir la cultura organizacional en el entorno laboral. En particular, la cultura organizacional es un reflejo de su liderazgo, y por lo tanto, ambas están

En la era digital que vivimos, las marcas enfrentan el reto de entender a un consumidor que vive, opina y decide en plataformas online. Aquí es donde entra en juego la netnografía, una herramienta que permite escuchar y aprender de

Así como el ADN biológico determina nuestra estructura física, existen ciertas competencias que conforman el "ADN" de un líder o gerente exitoso. Estas habilidades son los bloques fundamentales que definen el estilo de liderazgo y la efectividad en la gestión.
From Students to Global Leaders

Jusdins Flores

Luzelia Rivera

Adriana Petrona Herrera Hernandez

Jessy Nicoll Torres Barahona