Residence Life

Irma Boza
Resident Director (RD) is a full-time staff member living on campus. The RD is assisted by a staff of students with the title of Resident Assistants (RA’s). The primary responsibility of the Resident Director is to ensure that residence halls are safe and functional for all students. Job duties include establishing student conduct policies, responding to student concerns about housing and environment, and planning and supervising student activities within and around residence halls. The resident director lives on campus and is available year-round to assist with student housing issues.
The Residence Life department is committed to providing students with a residential experience that enhances and extends the educational mission of the University.
Keiser University – Latin American Campus offers two Residence Halls on campus and is committed to providing students with a residential experience that enhances and extends the educational mission of the University.
Virtual Campus Tour
Keiser University Latin American Campus is committed to forming mature professionals in a community environment. Our goal also for incoming students is to provide a university experience that encourages academic success and better integration into the life of the university. Therefore, full-time undergraduate students aged 16 to 17 must live in the university residence halls. If students turn 18 while living in the dorms, they are still required to live on campus until the end of that semester. Only students 18 years of age and above or students who reside with parents in the local area are permitted to live off-campus. In special circumstances, exceptions to this policy may be granted. These are considered on a case-by-case basis and the decision of the Student Life Department is final; therefore, there is no appeal process. Students who do not abide by this policy will not be allowed to register.
Living on campus at KULAC allows students to immerse themselves in an environment of community and to take full advantage of the many services and opportunities offered by the Center for Academic Excellence and the Student Life Department. Dormitory residents are able to live in an atmosphere of mutual respect and dignity and grow in the areas of academics, faith, community, and leadership through sharing in a family-like environment.
Every night, one male and one female Resident Assistant are on duty from 9 pm until midnight and on call from 7 am to provide basic security and ensure that the dormitories are quiet and conducive to community living. Resident Assistants are also available to assist students with questions and problems relative to dormitory problems and student life. The Director of Residence Life is available during the day.
Students who are 17 years old or younger are on a curfew. When they leave campus for particular or personal reasons, they must return at 8 :00 p.m. A list of students who are minors is kept at the university’s gate for security guards to check their time of entrance. Security guards may also ask students to show an ID or even sign their check-in time. Minors may also be required to sign-in with a Resident Assistant at the hour of curfew to verify their presence on campus.
Students, who neglect to be back on campus at the appointed time or leave after curfew time, are written up and called to a meeting with the Director of Residence Life for the first occurrence. Any occurrence after the first one would be considered an infraction and as such penalties apply.
Residence halls are specifically for those students who reside in the dorms. Therefore, persons not residing in the dorms should not enter; otherwise, they will be fined and required to meet with the Director of Residence Life.

Resident Assistants (RAs)
Each dormitory floor has at least four RAs responsible for assisting and advising students, planning activities for resident students, and enforcing dormitory rules and regulations. The RAs on each dormitory floor reside in rooms marked with their names and titles. They have key sets to assist students whose rooms are locked. In the case of a medical problem, the Resident Assistants may accompany the student to the Health Clinic, where a First Aid Kit is available.
Students residing in the dormitory are expected to cooperate with the instructions of the RAs. If a RA observes a student failing to adhere to the rules and regulations specified in this Residence Life Manual, a verbal warning and/or written incident report will be issued to the student in question. Failure to respect the authority of the Residence Life team is considered a serious breach of the code of student conduct. It will result in disciplinary action, including fines and other measures detailed in the Student Handbook.